Chapter 973 Out Of Control:>Ep31
- James looked half asleep sitting at the table. Lexi held her head in her hands. Molly stared into her coffee mug. Austin kept popping his leg up and down, nervous. They looked like a bunch of addicts coming down from their latest high. Christine made herself press on, more from a feeling of responsibility than any actual conviction.
- "I know this seems really bad," she said, "Like we've done the worst thing in the world and it will never go away. Never get better. But if you step away and think about it, it's really not the worst thing that could have happened."
- "I could have also fucked Uncle Jack?" Lexi asked. For a moment, Christine had a picture of herself on all fours, sucking her older brother's dick while her daughter... Fuck. Her mind was so fucking fractured.